web graphics
capstasher: 88x31 buttons
gifcities: old web gif search engine
glitter graphics: blinkies, glitter gifs, animated text and more
blinkie hoard: hella blinkies
mazeguy smilies pixel smilies and icons, some animated
88x31 gif collection: buttons
mysmilies: more pixel smilies and icons
blinki.es: more blinkies with search feature
geoblinkies: blinkie search engine
graphic makers: make blinkies buttons
blinkie makers: unique blinkie makers
background tiles: large selection of tileable backgrounds
betty's graphics: sorted archive of web graphics
bonnibel's graphic collection: another sorted list of web graphics
background archive: sorted tileable backgrounds
general resources
sadgrl webmastery: lots of resources
VHSearch: neocities search engine
yesterlinks directory: shit ton of links
breezewiki: wiki search engine
remove.bg: remove image backgrounds online
catbox: free super fast image hosting
rainboxmango links: link directory